For this assignment I am supposed to write in my own words the meaning of Discrimination and Tolerance. In the dictionary the meaning of Discrimination is "The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, esp. on the grounds of race, age, or sex" . But to me Discrimination is someone being treated unfairly. For example I know a lot of people who are animal lovers, and when most people would shriek, and step on a spider if they saw one some people would pick it up and put it on a tree and say "Its a living creature on this planet, just like us". And what I am comparing this to is people who are racist, or homophobia's. They would treat someone who had a different skin colour, or someone who liked people from the same sex unfairly, and calling them rude names. But when you think about it we are all just living creatures sharing a planet, so we should all treat each other how we would like to be treated , treated with respect, and treated fairly.And to me that is what Discrimination is.
The meaning of Tolerance in the dictionary is "The ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with" . I don't know about you but I have a very low tolerance level, but I try my best not to show. Some people laugh at little things that aren't really funny, and worse they laugh loud, while clapping their hands, stomping their feet, and laughing for longer then necessary. I always try my best to ignore it. But in my head i wish i could just scream in their face to be quiet because what they are laughing at isn't all that funny, and they are probably doing it just for attention. And sometimes it just depends on who the person is. For example if one of my best friends did something stupid and annoying I would just ignore and not give a care in the world. But say if someone i didn't get along with to well is doing something stupid and annoying I will get irritated. But overall I think having tolerance for everyone is a very good personality trait to have. Because if no one had tolerance for each other we would all be getting aggravated so easily cursing in each others faces about how stupid they are.
So that is my meaning of Discrimination and Tolerance. Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment!
-Arianna :)