Sunday, March 6, 2011

Literature Circle Response #5

Hello fellow bloggers; Andrianna, Karran, Melissa, Haneen, Sara, and Hannah. Welcome to Literature Circle response #5. In this section of Sketches Dana has been through a lot. She got kicked out of the Tent Town, a place where she finally felt safe, and she also discovered a dead body, which has seemed to have an impact on her. So my question is if you were Dana would you go back home? What would it take for you to go back home? Considering that her mom is now looking for her as well. 
 Let's hope this discussion is as juicy as all the others. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Miss.Crosbie's Baby

As we all know Miss.Crosbie is pregnant, and is finding out the sex of her baby tonight.
So my queston for you is what sex do you think, and want the baby to be?